Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid 

Yesterday, I had a really, really good day, with Presidents day holiday in the US, the volumes for the market were very light and as such there was really no reason to trade and I didnt trade and I was really proud of myself.

Today however was a slightly different story and I did take this setup.

Then I missed this easy 40 pips because I was in the garage working out... not to worry though - the important thing is that DTFL WORKS AND IS PROFITABLE. 

I also over leveraged on Blinkx but I think im going to take a small hit on this and I am down to £50.ppp

OK, as a forgot to publish thus yesterday, I am going to include my daily affirmations from Norman today, 

I will to ask and answer these questions in the following order: 

  1. What did i do right ? 
  2. What did I do wrong ? 
  3. How will I ensure I dont do this again ?
  4. My statement of committment to ensure I dont do it again ? 

Separated above for easy copy and pasting :) 

  1. What did i do right ? very little
  2. What did I do wrong ? I done a few things wrong today, - I missed a DTFL trade which was very clear because I was in the garage working out, - I made a few impulsive trades on Blinkx which caused me to lose money, and I took some random trades during Asia
  3. How will I ensure I dont do this again ? By ensuring to trade pure Sterling DTFL and to continue to take Pete Faders tips in his live room. 
  4. My statement of committment to ensure I dont do it again ? Today, I will trade pure DTFL and Pete Faders tips ONLY. - if I can follow my plan today and every day then this is what it would mean to move forward. 

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Being an Idiot 

OK, well yesterday I got distracted early on with Porn, and this coupled with a bad nights sleep made this a very poor day - I had a shit day at work and on top of that after writing my 'KEYS TO THE CITY' speech yesterday, i made some poor, poor trading decisions.

For a start I thought Blinkx would take time to recover to there recent highs and I ended up taking a £500 hit on these. I bought at the top in the hop of trying to catch the market 'again' and once again it got me, this type of trade is quite clearly my orphan archetype playing out and my 'fear of missing out' becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

I am going to update this journal every day after going through the journal entries that Randy supplied..

I did enjoy listening to Sterling about trading this week and am really interested in what he says about what trading can make of us as people. I have Randy and Tony telling me that 'Every disciplined effort carries multiple rewards'. I also have Dr Paul's patented system of using courage to achieve my goals as well as Randy Howells 'Summon the Heroes' video to help me with this.

These methods are important so I will list them;

  1. Summon the Heroes (Randy Howell) 
  2. Using Courage (Dr Paul) 
  3. Every disciplined effort carries multiple rewards. (Tony Robbins) 
  4. Every time we use discipline and courage - it increases our levels of discipline and courage. 

OK, well back to Friday and I did get a DTFL trade

Now, this trade started out well enough but there was a stop run against this trade which hit the 55 EMA at which point I took about 12 pips of profit, which was exactly in line with Sterlings teachings. 

OK, so once again, I really really want to see if I can find out what if I have what it takes to be a disciplined trader, its a LOT harder than I thought it would ever be, obviously, and I have learned not to out-think the people who have clearly already made the same mistakes as me time and time again. 


Thursday, 13 February 2014

Being a Professional

I had a revelation last night, after seeing multiple success with Pete Fader and DTFL, I realised that I already have the keys to the city, the opportunity to become a successful trader. All I have to do is follow their methods in a disiplined way and stop trying to use the force. 

1 Trade a day with a good success rate is the key to success, all these little trades may feel good but look at my performance over the last 4 years, I have been working SO hard, getting paid SO much and I have little to show for this. 

I have a promotion at work, and I have secured the hours I need to make this a successful venture, now all I have to do is follow this method without fail for the future, 

that includes keeping this journal up to date - which I will do daily. 

I have started today with a DTFL Trade.... So I am going to call this Trade 1

So.. GOOD LUCK to ME - I plan to purchase 10000 shares in Globo every quarter with my income and profits.