Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid 

Yesterday, I had a really, really good day, with Presidents day holiday in the US, the volumes for the market were very light and as such there was really no reason to trade and I didnt trade and I was really proud of myself.

Today however was a slightly different story and I did take this setup.

Then I missed this easy 40 pips because I was in the garage working out... not to worry though - the important thing is that DTFL WORKS AND IS PROFITABLE. 

I also over leveraged on Blinkx but I think im going to take a small hit on this and I am down to £50.ppp

OK, as a forgot to publish thus yesterday, I am going to include my daily affirmations from Norman today, 

I will to ask and answer these questions in the following order: 

  1. What did i do right ? 
  2. What did I do wrong ? 
  3. How will I ensure I dont do this again ?
  4. My statement of committment to ensure I dont do it again ? 

Separated above for easy copy and pasting :) 

  1. What did i do right ? very little
  2. What did I do wrong ? I done a few things wrong today, - I missed a DTFL trade which was very clear because I was in the garage working out, - I made a few impulsive trades on Blinkx which caused me to lose money, and I took some random trades during Asia
  3. How will I ensure I dont do this again ? By ensuring to trade pure Sterling DTFL and to continue to take Pete Faders tips in his live room. 
  4. My statement of committment to ensure I dont do it again ? Today, I will trade pure DTFL and Pete Faders tips ONLY. - if I can follow my plan today and every day then this is what it would mean to move forward. 

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